Intra and Inter District Transfers

Interdistrict Petition Update: Renewals are Now Required Every 5 Years


Based on a recent decision by the Imperial County Office of Education and Imperial County School Superintendents, Interdistrict Petition procedures have changed. 


RENEWAL REQUEST: Students on an approved Interdistrict Petition for the 2023-2024 school year will not need to reapply until the 2028-2029 school year unless you are requesting a different school.  An Attendance, Academic and Behavior Contract is required.  This contract will be valid for 5 years.  Petitions without the Attendance, Academic and Behavior Contract will be revoked. 


INITIAL REQUEST: Initial petitions will now require proof of residency.  You must attach proof of residency along with the petition for consideration. Petitions without proof of residency will not be released.


Note: Approving the enrollment of pupils who reside outside a school district’s boundaries is not mandatory. Approval of your application for an Interdistrict attendance permit does not guarantee placement at a school you request. The district may approve your request for transfer and offer a placement at any school in the district with space for the student.


Falsification of any information provided on this application or during the enrollment process is cause for immediate denial or revocation of your Interdistrict Attendance Permit.



Interdistrict Transfer-Transfers out of ECESD


Definition: Students who live within the boundaries of ECESD and would like to attend school in another District. 


Requests for Interdistrict transfers begin on February 1st for the following school year. 


Please complete the Interdistrict Permit Application, provide proof of residency and email it to [email protected]. We will complete the ECESD portion of the request and send it to the requested district. It will be the parents’ responsibility to obtain approval from the requested district.


Interdistrict Permit Application 

New link coming soon



Solicitud de Permiso de

Asistencia Interdistrital

Nuevo enlace próximamente





Intradistrict Transfer-Transfers Within ECESD


Definition: Transfer from resident school to another school within El Centro Elementary School District.

Note: How do I find my resident school?


            My School Locator  –  Click here


Intradistrict Transfer priority request Applications are accepted beginning May 1st and are due by June 30th.

Requests received after June 30th may not be considered until 14 days prior to the start of the school year.


* There is no appeal process for an Intradistrict Transfer request that has been denied. The District reviews Intradistrict Transfer requests and makes a decision based upon space availability in the requested grade level at the requested school, program availability and balancing class sizes .

Note: Students currently attending school on an approved intradistrict transfer permit are not required to resubmit a new application each year when continuing at the same school. Current students transitioning from the 6th grade Dual Immersion Program at Harding Elementary to the 7th grade Dual Immersion program at Wilson Jr High, are not required to submit a new application (6th grade Harding DI students are automatically transferred to 7th grade DI at Wilson Jr. High). However, a new application must be submitted when a student incurs an address change that establishes new residency outside the boundaries of their attendance area.

Please complete the Intradistrict Permit Application and email it to ([email protected]). 

Intradistrict Permit Application 

Click here





Solicitud de Permiso de Asistencia Intradistrital

Haga clic aquí





Educational Services Office 

Contact Person


Phone Number

Gloria Valdez

Senior Secretary

(760) 352-5712 ext.8532

District Office #8 – Director of Educational Technology

1256 Broadway, El Centro, CA 92243


Board Policy 5117 – Interdistrict Attendance – Click here

Póliza de la Mesa Directiva 5117 – Asistencia Interdistritales – Haga clic aquí


Administrative Regulation 5117 – Interdistrict Attendance – Click here

Reglamentación Administrativa 5117 – Asistencia Interdistritales – Haga clic aquí



Timeframe for District Response


The districts involved will notify the parent/guardian by mail of their decision within timeframes specified herein.

 Education Code 46601 provides the following timeframes for notification:

  1. For requests submitted for the current school year, districts shall respond within 30 calendar days of submitting the request.
  2. For requests submitted for admission in the subsequent school year, more than 15 days prior to the commencement of instruction of the subsequent regular school year, districts shall respond no later than 14 calendar days after the commencement of instruction in the school year for which the transfer is sought.
  3. While your application is pending, the pupil must attend school in the district of residence, a charter school, a private school, or other option complying with California compulsory education requirements.


 Reasons for Approval or Denial


Reasons ECESD may approve or *deny a request, and requirements of any supporting evidence, include:


  1. When the student has been determined by staff of either the district of residence or district of proposed attendance to be a victim of an act of bullying as defined in Education Code 48900(r). Such a student shall be given priority for Interdistrict attendance under any existing Interdistrict attendance agreement or, in the absence of an agreement, shall be given consideration for the creation of a new permit.  (Education Code 46600)
  2. To meet the childcare needs of the student, only as long as the student's childcare provider remains within district boundaries
  3. To meet the student's special mental or physical health needs as certified by a physician, school psychologist, or other appropriate school personnel.
  4. When the student has a sibling attending school in the receiving district, to avoid splitting the family's attendance
  5. To allow the student to complete a school year when the student's parents/guardians have moved out of the district during that year
  6. When the parent/guardian provides written evidence that the family will be moving into the District in the immediate future and would like the student to start the year in the District
  7. When recommended by the school attendance review board or by county child welfare, probation, or social service agency staff in documented cases of serious home or community problems which make it inadvisable for the student to attend the school of residence.
  8. When there is valid interest in a particular educational program not offered in the district of residence
  9. To provide a change in school environment for reasons of personal and social adjustment

* The Superintendent or designee may deny initial requests for interdistrict attendance permits due to limited district resources, overcrowding of school facilities at the relevant grade level, or other considerations that are not arbitrary.


 Appeals of Denials


If a student's interdistrict transfer request is denied by the El Centro Elementary School District, the Associate Superintendent or designee shall notify the parents/guardians of their right to appeal in the following order:


  1. Appeal to El Centro Elementary School District Superintendent in writing within 5 school days of denial using the following form:


Appeal of Denial of Interdistrict Attendance Form – Click here

Forma de Apelación de Negación de Asistencia Entre Distritos – Haga clic aquí             

  1.       Appeal to County Board of Education within 30 calendar days from the date of the final denial. (Education Code 46600.2)




  1. A permit for interdistrict attendance into the El Centro Elementary School District (ECESD) is valid only while conditions stated on the permit (Interdistrict Attendance, Academic and Behavior Contract) are maintained, and the permit may be revoked by ECESD, the granting district, for failure to comply with conditions (e.g. attendance, academic, behavior).

Interdistrict Attendance, Academic & Behavior Contract – Click here

Contrato de Asistencia Interdistrital, Académico y de Comportamiento – Haga clic aquí

  1. Should the student’s residence change from one district to another, you will need to apply to your new district of residence to remain in the district of desired attendance.