Digital Citizenship and Safety
Resources For Parents
Common Sense Media is a website that contains valuable free resources to help parents stay informed with the latest gaming trends, TV shows and movies, as it relates to children use, safety and age applicability.
Stay Safe's mission is to educate and empower the global society to use the Internet safely and securely. The website has valuable free resources to help families understand how to better use the Internet and outlines best practice methods for staying safe.
Cyberwise makes it easy for you to learn about online safety, digital citizenship, privacy, reputation management, sexting, cyberbullying and more so parents and educators can help kids embrace technology safely and wisely. Cyberwise also has an excellent collection of helpful YouTube videos.
The national PTA website provides a wide-array of helpful resources for parents. Included are resources to help parents keep their children safe why using connected digital tools. Once on the site, select the "For Families" tab to access the resources.
iKeepSafe is dedicated to giving parents, educators and policymakers the information and tools which empower them to teach children the safe and healthy use of technology and the Internet.