Comprehensive Safe School Plans
The California Constitution guarantees California children the right to attend public schools that are safe, secure, and peaceful. The CDE, public school districts, county offices of education, and schools and their personnel are responsible for creating learning environments that are safe and secure. First responders, community partners, and families also play an essential role. Schools must be prepared to respond to emergencies, including natural and man-made hazards, and strive to prevent violence and behavior issues that undermine safety and security. Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSP) include strategies aimed at the prevention of and education about potential incidents involving crime and violence on the school campus and aspects of social, emotional, and physical safety for both youth and adults.
California Education Code (EC) Section 32281(a) requires every kindergarten through grade twelve school, public, and public charter to develop and maintain a CSSP designed to address campus risks, prepare for emergencies, and create a safe, secure learning environment for students and school personnel. Below are the current CSSPs for the El Centro Elementary School District.